Have you thought about having straighter teeth but the thought of wearing braces for up to 2 years puts you off? Like many people in the UK with crooked teeth long-term braces treatments are the only option.

New to the UK is the revolutionary Six Month Smiles treatment which has taken the best aspects of braces and modified the treatment and the materials to give adults an effective, safe, cosmetic and affordable solution that fits your lifestyle. 

Six Month Smiles® utilises specialised clear braces to gently straighten and align teeth in an average time of just six months.

By utilising the latest wires and brackets the unique six month smiles braces can give you an aesthetically pleasing smile in a fraction of the time that it would normally take.


  • Average treatment times of only six months

  • Six Month Smiles Lucid-Lok™ clear brackets and tooth-colored wires are barely visible

  • Use of braces has shown to provide the most conservative and predictable final result

  • Six Month Smiles Patient Tray Kits™ ensure that your appointments are fast and comfortable

  • Low forces and short overall treatment times increase comfort, safety, and hygiene

  • Six Month Smiles is typically less expensive than traditional braces, aligner therapy, or veneers