We offer root canal treatments where the nerve in the tooth is infected and causing problems. Root canal treatments are not meant to be painful despite the myths and stories. Our highly trained dentists use the latest techniques and materials to ensure we get the highest levels of success, in the most pain-free, comfortable environment possible.

When is Root Canal Treatment needed?

Root canal treatment involves the removal of the pulp tissues from the tooth in the event that it gets infected or inflamed. The pulp can be infected or inflamed due to either deep decay or a deep restoration that involves the pulp, cracked or fractured tooth due to trauma and sometimes as a result of severe gum disease.

Signs of pulp damage may include pain, prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, discolouration of the tooth, swelling, tenderness of the overlying gums or a bad taste in the mouth. On the other hand, there may be no symptoms at all. If pulpal inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can eventually cause pain, swelling and loss of the supporting bone.

What are the advantages of Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment saves teeth that would otherwise have been extracted. A root treated tooth can function normally and can be maintained with routine dental care and oral hygiene measures.

Is Root Canal Treatment painful?

Root canal treatment procedures are relatively comfortable and often painless as the tooth is anaesthetised during treatment. After treatment, the tooth may be sensitive or tender for a few days due to inflammation of the surrounding tissues. This discomfort can be relieved by taking mild analgesics or painkillers available over the counter at the pharmacy. However, if the pain persists and is severe, or a swelling occurs, you should contact your Dentist.

Why choose to have your Root Canal Treatment done by an Endodontist?

You may want to consider being referred to have this treatment done by a specialist on a private basis as:

  • Endodontists use state-of-the-art technology. Examples are operating microscopes, digital imaging, CBCT scan, ultrasonic and Ni- Ti rotary instrumentation to treat their patients quickly and comfortably.

  • Endodontists use microscopes during treatment that give very high magnification. This enables endodontic work to be carried out with a very high degree of accuracy. A further advantage is that high magnification allows endodontists to treat the small internal anatomy of teeth without taking away too much tooth structure, preserving the strength of your tooth long term.

  • Studies suggest that endodontists achieve greater successes due to their experience, expertise and equipment.