
The NHS tells us how much we must charge you for NHS dental services. At The Offerton, we aim to provide preventative dentistry to help you avoid extensive dental treatments.

The charge that you pay will depend on the treatment that you need and you will only ever be asked to pay one charge for each complete course of treatment. This means that even if you need to visit your dentist more than once for a complete course of treatment you will only need to pay a single fee.

Here are some examples of scenarios that illustrate how the fee banding works:

  • If you attend an examination and we find that your teeth are healthy, you will pay £25.80. If we do an X-ray to make sure of this, you still only pay £26.80.

  • If you need an X-ray and one filling, you will pay £73.50.

  • If three fillings and an extraction are required to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, you still only pay £73.50.

  • If your dentist discovers that you need a crown, the amount of £319.10 would be payable.

Once your teeth and gums are declared healthy, you will be asked to book in for a check-up at an interval as advised by your dentist. At that time, the treatment charges start again, so if your teeth are still healthy at your next appointment, you will only be charged for the Band 1 course of treatment. 

Please be aware that NHS patients must attend an NHS exam within a two year period to maintain your place as an NHS patient at the practice. Failure to give 2 business days notice of cancellations, late arrivals and failing to attend appointments may mean we are unable to offer you future appointments on the NHS. At this stage, you may wish to register at another dental practice that offers you NHS care, or you can stay registered with us as a Private patient.

NHS Dental Fee Bands

The amount you pay for dental treatments is capped and fall into three bands.

Band 1 course of treatment

This covers an examination, diagnosis (e.g. X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale to remove tartar/ plaque and the application of fluoride varnish.


Band 2 Course of Treatment

This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work, advanced gum care and if your dentist needs to take out one or more of your teeth.


Band 3 Course Of Treatment

This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures or bridges.


Personal Treatment Plans

We believe in being as clear as possible with what treatments you may need. If you require Band 2 or Band 3 treatments, you will receive a personal plan of care as well as if you want to mix NHS and private treatments.

Your treatment plan will always be discussed with you and written down in order to help ensure that you are aware of what treatments you will need as well as how much you have to pay.

Fee Exemptions

If you think that you may be exempt from NHS charges please discuss this with our receptionist before your treatment. In some cases you may be required to bring exemption certificates to qualify.

  • Patients under the age of 18

  • Patients who are 18 but still in full-time education

  • Expectant mothers

  • Nursing mothers

  • Others receiving various low income benefits

For further advice and guidance then please do visit the NHS website click here